Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fun in the Kitchen!

This is my lovely 4 yr old daughter, McKenzie. She loves to "help" mom in the kitchen, so for her birthday last month, I asked my mom to make her a little apron! Grandma also included the wooden spoon you see her holding. The night we took these, we made two different menu items, and she insisted that her spoon be washed instead of using a different one!



Did anything happen?

Waving with spoon.... "Hold still McKenzie!"

"Okay mom!"

Discovering Macadamias. A new favorite!

"I am too cool for this oven mitt."
She was upset that I wouldn't get her her very own oven mitt to match the apron! I think she's still a little young to be pulling things out of the oven, don't you?


  1. The apron is adorable, as is your daughter!

  2. She is absolutely adorable! How great of grandma to make her an apron. I want to be that kind of grandma. I agree - definitely too young to be getting things out of the oven.
