Monday, August 10, 2009


Written by Bonnie

Routines…..Schedules…..Lists….whatever you call them, they are important!

There are a lot of underlying aspects that are included in schedules and routines. Steps to take that make us feel better about ourselves. Time management opens up free-time and lessons anxiety. Goals, fighting procrastination and routines go hand in hand with self-esteem.

Set daily, weekly and long-term goals for yourself. When you accomplish your daily goals you are one step closer to reaching your weekly goal, and when you get to your weekly goal you are closer to your long term goal! Baby steps and setting obtainable goals are the key to your success!

Don’t say “I’m going to clean the house”, instead say “I am going to wipe down the sink” and the rest will follow. Make detailed lists: Wipe down sink, wipe down shower, clean toilet, clean floors, and take out laundry. Cross each off as they get done. When you’re done the bathroom is clean and your list is all crossed off! Feels good right?

Sometimes as mom’s we don’t feel like we are appreciated. Go ahead and save up your cleaning lists to show to your husband when he gets home. When you feel like you’re “not worth anything” go back and look at you’re crossed off lists and see all that you do accomplish and have accomplished!

Avoid procrastination! It does nothing but cause anxiety! Maintain your focus! Don’t put something off when you know you shouldn’t. Be aware of the ease you feel when you get your work done ahead of time or on schedule, as opposed to the anxiety you feel when you wait until the last minute. Think of this feeling the next time you want to procrastinate.

Routines and schedules are my rock! I never had a routine until I became a mom. I know exactly when it happened too. I was sitting in that hospital bed with my new baby and the “breastfeeding expert” came to talk to me, with her feeding schedule and diaper check off list. Well that was it. Ever since November 18, 2005 I have had routine. It has remained constant but with change. Such as I still wake up at the crack of dawn and we still eat lunch at 12 noon, but naptimes have changed and the kids have weekly activities now. Also, when I started school again now, I got to put some “me time” into the routine, when I go online for school and when I write papers etc. Bottom line is I would be lost without my routine. I have been doing it so long now though, that when a “weird day” comes up, it’s really no problem to get back on track the next day.

Goal setting and routines help you maintain your focus. When you maintain focus, you succeed. When you succeed, your self-esteem rises. When your self-esteem rises, you have the desire to have more focus!

Here is an example of my routine/schedule:


6 am-wake up, exercise, shower, have coffee, read the paper, and check email

7am- kids are up, clean them and feed them play and clean until noon

12 Noon – lunch time! Clean and play until naptime

2 pm- Naptime for kids and school time for me

5 pm- get kids up (if they aren’t already) start dinner

6 pm- eat dinner, play, and talk to husband J

8 pm- kids to bed finish up schoolwork, any cleaning, and hang with husband J


6 am-wake up, exercise, shower, have coffee, read the paper, and check email

7 am- kids are up, clean them and feed them, and get crock pot going

10 am- Library time! Go to market, other errands, and home by noon

12 Noon – lunch time! Clean and play until naptime

1:30 pm- Naptime for kids and school time for me

3:30 pm– get kids up and dressed for gymnastics

4:30 pm- gymnastics until 5:30

6 pm- eat dinner, play, and talk to husband J

8 pm- kids to bed finish up schoolwork, any cleaning, and hang with husband J


6 am-wake up, exercise, shower, have coffee, read the paper, and check email

7 am- kids are up, clean them and feed them and play

10 am – go to movies (free movies for kids in the summer)

12 Noon – lunch time! Clean and play until naptime

2 pm- Naptime for kids and school time for me

5 pm- get kids up (if they aren’t already) start dinner

6 pm- eat dinner, play, and talk to husband J

8 pm- kids to bed finish up schoolwork, any cleaning, and hang with husband J


6 am-wake up, exercise, shower, have coffee, read the paper, and check email

7 am- kids are up, clean them and feed them play and clean until noon

12 Noon – lunch time! Clean and play until naptime

2 pm- Naptime for kids and school time for me

5 pm- get kids up (if they aren’t already) start dinner

6 pm- eat dinner, play, and talk to husband J

8 pm- kids to bed finish up schoolwork, any cleaning, and hang with husband J


6 am-wake up, exercise, shower, have coffee, read the paper, and check email

7 am- kids are up, clean them and feed them play and clean until noon

12 Noon – lunch time! Clean and play until naptime

2 pm- Naptime for kids and school time for me

5 pm- get kids up (if they aren’t already) start dinner

6 pm- eat dinner, play, and talk to husband J

8 pm- kids to bed finish up schoolwork, any cleaning, and hang with husband J

Saturday and Sunday:

Look for babysitters!

Have a date with husband J

Play as a family!

Get dinner schedule ready for the week!

Go to the market as a family!

Have husband J take kids out so MOM CAN HAVE ALONE TIME!

Watch all week as we explore different schedules, and different techniques. Join us tomorrow with a link to YOUR schedule!

1 comment:

  1. Great article and reminder that a schedule allows us to multi-task in a world that always seems to want/need just a little more from us.

